Rabu, 30 November 2016

Weight Not Going down despite Already Paleo Diet - Comp

Weight Not Going down despite Already Paleo Diet - Comp
 In recent years, popular Paleo diet is practiced by people worldwide. This ancient human diets advocate eating a lot of meat, vegetables, and low in carbohydrates in order to lose weight and body protected from disease. Although not enough time for experts to examine this diet, some people Paleo dieters do not lose weight as expected. What really happened?
Paleo word comes from the Paleolithic period, a period of more than 10 thousand years ago. Man in that era still living in caves. The idea of ​​this diet is anything that is not eaten by cavemen, we should not eat.
Popularized by Dr. Loren Cordain who wrote the book The Paleo diet in 2002, this diet forbids all refined products as well as whole grains, legumes and refined sugars. Foods that can be eaten is commonly hunted and gathered such as meat, chicken, fruit and vegetables.
Avoid processed foods and grow vegetables in the diet would be good to lose weight and prevent disease. But dietician Julie Upton in collaboration with the Paleo diet followers Crossfit athletes say many dieters do not pay attention to the intake of vegetables.
"" Few athletes Crossfit I know gain weight instead of muscle mass that rises when switching to the Paleo diet for their snacking nuts, avocados, protein but less vegetables. They should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit when this diet, ' "he said.
Another potential failure of this diet is calorie intake. No longer a secret that in order to lose weight we need to restrict your calorie intake. Paleo diet also will not successfully lose weight when caloric intake is excessive. "" Calories still a major factor and the reduction in weight gain. If a person does not experience weight loss because the Paleo diet or any other diet, he most certainly cause the intake of calories, ' "says Dawn Jackson Blatner, a dietitian.
Paleo dieters in America most of the actual intake of processed foods anyway. Because, at the grocery store provided snacks labeled Paleo. "" Any company can produce snack snack labeled Paleo although it contains a lot of sugar, ' "said Dave Asprey, author of The Bulletproof diet.
If you want to really lose weight with this diet, it is advisable to eat a lot of vegetables. Note also the calories that go into the stomach.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Cold-temperature chamber Help Lose Weight - K

Cold-temperature chamber Help Lose Weight - K
 cold room temperature may cause discomfort, but it turned out to be in the room with low temperatures could have a positive effect on weight loss and prevent obesity. Research at Maastricht University, The Netherlands, shows cold temperatures proved to force the body to expend more energy. The energy is used to fortify the discomfort arising from unused dingin.Energi temperature causes the body to use more fat and carbohydrate reserves. By doing so, the amount of fat reserves and carbohydrates in the body is reduced and the impact on weight loss badan.Menurut study leader, Wouter var Marken Lichtenbelt, this study aims to determine the environmental temperature exposure advantages that continue to occur. "" Most of us continued exposure to the ambient temperature, especially on the conditions in the room. Therefore, it is important to know the benefits of such exposure, "" ujarnya.Riset is actually related to previous studies of the body's defense mechanism against the cold. In this research said, trembling and other reactions to the cold and the heating mechanism of the body. The mechanism prevents the body exposed to hypothermia (freezing). During these mechanisms takes place, the body heat production can be increased fivefold. This is because the metabolism and fat burning occur more cepat.Selain heating mechanism of the body, research results also showed that cold temperatures can improve workout results and prevent weight gain. This is very useful for people who do a passive lifestyle (sedentary) .One research suggesting it is a study conducted together with Japanese scientists. In this research, exposure to a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius can reduce quite a lot of fat in the body for six weeks. The research also stated, temperatures are warm and cozy risk of causing obesity. A comfortable temperature also makes the residents vulnerable terkeda adverse effects of temperature changes suddenly tiba.Kendati research and knowledge of the benefits of temperature has been known, but the interest for further research appeared recently. It is related to the number of obese people in the United States that reached a third of the population lives. With these findings, the weight control not only be done in the gym, but it can be done at any time, including while on the move in space.
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Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016

Berikut Obat Tradisional yang Ditarik!


Berikut Obat Tradisional yang Ditarik!

Tersebut beberapa merk obat tradisional yang memiliki kandungan bahan kimia obat beresiko : A. Obat Pelangsing1. Qianjiali Kapsul Pelangsing produksi Beijing Medi-Tech Development Co Ltd dengan importir PT True Man Fresh Jakarta (memiliki kandungan sibutramin hidroklorida, izin edar dibatalkan). 2. Lasmi Kapsul produksi PJ Herbalindo SM (memiliki kandungan sibutramin hidroklorida, izin edar dibatalkan). 3. Sera Kapsul produksi PJ Herbalindo SM (memiliki kandungan sibutramin hidroklorida, izin edar dibatalkan). 4. Sulami Kapsul produksi PJ Herbalindo SM (memiliki kandungan sibutramin hidroklorida, izin edar dibatalkan). 5. Li Da Dai Dai Hua Jiao Kapsul produksi Kunming Dali Industri & Trade Co Ltd (memiliki kandungan sibutramin hidroklorida, tak tercatat). 6. New Pro Slim Kapsul produksi the Trird Pharm Manufactory Harbin China (memiliki kandungan sibutramin hidroklorida, tak tercatat). B. Penambah Stamina Pria1. New Pujaan Kapsul produksi PT Pyridina Farma Cianjur (memiliki kandungan tadalafil, izin edar dibatalkan). 2. Ratax Kapsul produksi PT Pyridina Farma Cianjur (memiliki kandungan tadalafil, izin edar dibatalkan). 3. Sahe Hiki Kapsul produksi PT Sumber Waras Perkasa Cianjur (memiliki kandungan sildenafil sitrat, izin edar dibatalkan). 4. King Cobra 10X Lebih Kuat Serbuk produksi PJ Cobra Ayu Makassar (memiliki kandungan sildenafil sitrat, nomer izin edar fiktif). 5. Suwe-Xi kapsul produksi PJ Kaki Langit Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan sildenafil sitrat, nomer izin edar fiktif). 6. Tang Pe Fu Serbuk produksi PJ Alami Makassar (memiliki kandungan sildenafil sitrat, nomer izin edar fiktif). 7. Purwoceng Serbuk produksi PJ Sidowaras (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, tak tercatat). 8. Tangkur Buaya Super Kapsul produksi PD Meringis Sehat Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 9. World Quick Strong Kapsul produksi World (Tianjin) Nutrition & Health Food Co Ltd/PT Woo Tekh Indonesia (memiliki kandungan tadalafil, tak tercatat). C. Obat Tradisional Lain1. Yin Chiao Tablet produksi Cengde Trad. Chinese Medicine Factory/PT Tjahaja Baru Surabaya (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, izin edar dibatalkan). 2. Zhongganling Pian Tablet produksi Guangdong Jiaying Pharm Co Ltd/PT Intra Aries Jakarta (memiliki kandungan metampiron, izin edar dibatalkan). 3. Zhong Gan Ling Pian Tablet produksi Heping Pharmaceutical Factory Guangdong Cina/PT Cahaya Herba Radix Jakarta (memiliki kandungan metampiron, izin edar dibatalkan). 4. Wan Tong Pegal Linu Kapsul produksi PJ Herbalindo SM (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, izin edar dibatalkan). 5. Wan Tong Pegal Linu Rheumatik produksi PJ Herbalindo SM (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, izin edar dibatalkan). 6. Pegal Linu Cap Putri Sakti Cairan Obat Dalam produksi H Moh Khusni Banyuwangi (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, izin edar dibatalkan). 7. Salurat Putri Sakti Cairan Obat Dalam produksi H. Moh. Khusni Banyuwangi (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, izin edar dibatalkan). 8. Jaya Asli Anrat Serbuk produksi PJ Jaya Asli Cilacap (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, izin edar dibatalkan). 9. Akar Dewi Putri Multi Manfaat Serbuk produksi CV Laser Grup (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, izin edar dibatalkan). 10. Pamong Raga Pegel Linu Serbuk produksi IKOT Kopja Bermacam Sari Unit I Cilacap (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, izin edar dibatalkan). 11. Pegal Linu Kalimajaya Serbuk produksi Drs H Moh Nur Hidayat, Kopja Bermacam Sari Unit IX Sifaul Mustajab Cilacap (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, izin edar dibatalkan). 12. Pegalinu No 2 Serbuk produksi PJ Cipta Rasa (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, izin edar dibatalkan). 13. Randa Linu (Asam Urat) Serbuk produksi Kopja Bermacam Sari Unit III/PJ Gunung Sugih Cilacap (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, izin edar dibatalkan). 14. Sari Buana Serbuk produksi Kopja Bermacam Sari Unit VII (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, izin edar dibatalkan). 15. Turrat Serbuk produksi Serbuk produksi IJ Cahaya Manjur Mojokerto (memiliki kandungan, parasetamol, izin edar dibatalkan). 16. Darah Tinggi Serbuk produksi CV Cahaya Manjur Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 17. Gatal Eksim Serbuk produksi PJ Cahaya Manjur Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 18. Sehat Boyok Sakit Pinggang Serbuk produksi CV Cahaya Manjur Mojokerto (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 19. Sekalor Serbuk produksi CV Cahaya Manjur Jawa Timur (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 20. Untabat (Batuk Pilek) Serbuk produksi CV Cahaya Manjur Mojokerto (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 21. Arum Jaya Gemuk Sehat Serbuk produksi PJ Arum Jaya Cilacap (memiliki kandungan deksametason, tak tercatat) 22. Asam Urat Akar Dewi Putri Serbuk produksi UD Lazer Grup, Lamongan (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 23. Asam Urat cap Unta Kapsul produksi PJ Unta Mas Indonesia (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, tak tercatat). 24. Asam Urat, Flu Tulang & Pengapuran Buah Merah Serbuk produksi PJ Buah Alam Papua, Purwokerto, (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 25. Asam Urat Nyeri Tulang Tjap Dua Daun Serbuk produksi PJ Brotowali, Solo, (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 26. Asam Urat Rheumatik Akar Sirih Serbuk produksi PJ Inti Sehat Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 27. Brantas, Obat Asam Urat Rheumatik, Nyeri Tulang Kapsul produksi PJ Ampuh Jaya, Cilacap, (memiliki kandungan parasetamol serta fenilbutason, tak tercatat). 28. Buah Naga, Asam Urat serta Nyeri Tulang Kapsul produksi PJ Dua Walet, Kopja Bermacam Sari, Cilacap (memiliki kandungan parasetamol serta fenilbutason, tak tercatat). 29. Daun Dewa Kapsul produksi PJ Daun Dewa Makassar (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, tak tercatat). 30. Dewi Bln. Capsul Sakit Gigi & Sakit Kepala Cekot-cekot Kapsul produksi PJ Songgo Geni, Tangerang (memiliki kandungan parasetamol serta asam mefenamat, tak tercatat). 31. Dua Walet Amrat Serbuk produksi PJ Dua Walet, Cilacap (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 32. Gemuk Sehat/Ideal Tirta Sehat Serbuk produksi PJ Tetaplah Sehat, Cilacap (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 33. Gemuk Sehat PJS Serbuk produksi PJ Pusaka Jaya Sakti, Cilacap (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 34. Gemuk Sehat SP Serbuk produksi Sehat Perkasa, Cilacap (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 35. Kembang Wijaya Serbuk produksi PJ Fisabillah, Cilacap (memiliki kandungan metampiron, tak tercatat). 36. Kencing Manis Serbuk produksi PK Tetaplah Sehat, Cilacap (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 37. Kuat Sehat Cap Kuda Liar Serbuk produksi RCK Jawa barat (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 38. New Singa Majapahit Serbuk produksi PD Lestari Wiji Dadi (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 39. Tentu Joss Tablet produksi PJ Mega Raya, Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 40. Ramuan Tradisional Remagel Serbuk produksi PJ Kasturi Dewi, Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan deksametason serta parasetamol, tak tercatat). 41. Ramuan Tradisional Sarang Semut plus Sirih Merah Tablet produksi PJ Cespleng Jaya, Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 42. Samurat Extra Serbuk produksi PJ Serbat Mustajab, Jawa Tengah (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 43. Simakit Serbuk produksi PJ Candi Wulan, Banyumas (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, tak tercatat). 44. Temu Ginseng Plus Buah Merah Kapsul produksi PJ Sumber Paling utama Ginseng Indonesia (memiliki kandungan parasetamol, tak tercatat). 45. Walet Kembar Asam Urat Serbuk produksi PJ Kunci Sehat, Cilacap (memiliki kandungan fenilbutason, tak tercatat).

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2016

Begini Langkah Gampang Mengukur Berat Badan Ideal


Begini Langkah Gampang Mengukur Berat Badan Ideal


Jakarta, Berat Badan ideal di pengaruhi banyak aspek, satu diantaranya tinggi Badan. Banyak alat serta tehnologi yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitungnya, namun sesungguhnya tak susah untuk menghitungnya sendiri. Langkah yang lebih sederhana, pakai saja hitungan berat Badan dalam kg dibagi dengan tinggi Badan dalam mtr. dikuadratkan, kata dr A. R Inge Permadhi, MS, SpGK dari Departemen Pengetahuan Gizi Fakultas Kedokteran Kampus Indonesia, seperti ditulis Rabu (22/10/2014). Perhitungan itu bakal membuahkan angka yang dimaksud Body Mass Index (BMI) atau Indeks Massa Badan (IMT). IMT sebesar 18, 5 kg/m2 berarti kurang gizi, bila 22, 9 kg/m2 bermakna normal, sekitaran 23-24, 9 kg/m2 berarti overweight, sedang 25-30 kg/m2 itu obesitasLebih dari 30 (kg/m2) juga obesitas, tingkat 2, lanjut dr Inge. Langkah lain yang lebih praktis yaitu memakai tehnologi. Bahkan juga dengan alat yang diebut Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, tidak cuma perbandingan berat serta tinggi Badan yang dapat diukur tetapi juga komposisi lemak serta otot. Hingga kita ketahui apa sajakah yang perlu ditambah serta dikurangi, kata praktisi hidup sehat dr Phaidon L Toruan, MM. Berat Badan memanglah bukan hanya satu ukuran untuk memastikan ideal atau tidaknya badan seorang. Banyak aspek yang butuh di perhatikan, termasuk juga massa otot, massa tulang, massa lemak. Jadi, kadang-kadang berat Badan tak dapat jadi ukuran sekalipun. Seorang yang mempunyai berat Badan berlebihan, namun komposisinya lebih menguasai otot di banding lemak umumnya jadi tambah baik sebab otot dibutuhkan dalam sistem pembakaran lemak. (up/up)


Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Latihan Angkat Beban Baik untuk Turunkan Berat Badan, Ini Argumennya

pro argi 9

Latihan Angkat Beban Baik untuk Turunkan Berat Badan, Ini Argumennya


Jakarta, Untuk Anda yang tengah menginginkan menurunkan berat Badan, terkecuali merubah pola makan sebaiknya juga memperhitungkan untuk lakukan latihan angkat beban dengan cara teratur. Kenapa sekian? Sebab bila Anda kehilangan berat Badan cuma dengan memotong konsumsi kalori, jadi mungkin saja sejumlah 25 % dari kehilangan itu yaitu massa otot. Ini pasti tidak baik mengingat otot adalah 'mesin' pembakaran kalori didalam badan Anda. Oleh karenanya, dapat disebutkan kalau mempunyai pola makan sehat yang digabungkan dengan latihan beban dengan teratur yaitu rahasia ingindalian berat Badan yang lebih efisien. Berat Badan juga lebih termonitor dalam periode waktu lama. Ini dibanding bila Anda sekedar hanya merubah pola makan tanpa ada latihan fisik apa pun. Baca juga : Tidak Ingin Lapar Waktu Berolahraga Namun Takut Gemuk? Konsumsi Ini SolusinyaMenurut penulis buku 'The F-Factor Diet', Bertanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD, melindungi otot tetaplah terlatih adalah satu diantara langkah membakar kalori, bahkan juga saat Anda tengah beristirahat. Diluar itu, otot juga memerlukan ruangan yang lebih kecil dibanding lemak. Jadi badan yang ototnya terlatih bakal terlihat lebih ramping serta kencang. Ini pasti tampilan yang kebanyakan orang kehendaki, bukanlah sebatas kurus, tutur Bertanya, seperti diambil dari Fox News, Jumat (24/7/2015). Bonusnya, latihan angkat beban bisa tingkatkan kemampuan wanita sejumlah 30-50 %. Latihan kemampuan dengan melatih otot ini dapat bikin jaringan ikat makin kuat serta kestabilan sendi jadi tambah baik. Bahkan juga dalam satu riset di Harvard, latihan kemampuan sepanjang periode 10 minggu dilaporkan bisa menolong kurangi tanda-tanda depresi. Diluar itu, riset yang lain juga tunjukkan kalau latihan beban bisa menolong menurunkan cholesterol LDL dengan kata lain cholesterol jahat serta tingkatkan cholesterol HDL dengan kata lain cholesterol baik. Latihan beban juga sudah dapat dibuktikan bisa tingkatkan kepadatan mineral tulang belakang, dan menolong menurunkan resiko diabetes, tambah Bertanya. Baca juga : Tetaplah Sehat serta Bugar Walau Repot Bekerja? Dapat, Begini Tricknya (ajg/up)


Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Step this way Leni Lose Weight 22 Kg, Want to Try?


Step this way Leni Lose Weight 22 Kg, Want to Try?

Cirebon - Have a Body height 165 cm and weight 87 kg Agency, Leni Putri Pertiwi (24) also curious wanting to lose weight are looking steps Agency. Looking for info on the internet, he found kisa-tale Diet Experience and try to apply it. The period of Area 5 bln., His body weight successfully dropped from the beginning so 65 kg 87 kg. Until now also he admits is still applying a healthy diet was so heavy body was not up again. The story of her diet, as written detikHealth on Thursday (06/10/2016): prefix is ​​my intention to try to change eating habits and physical flurry to lose weight is because of Agency view the article in detikHealth Diet Experience. There are also articles related to the popular Instagram. I thought, yes I can or do not like them. Because my graduation period will close, so I have no intention to try it in order to be able to look different. With a strong will and is supported by my mother, I also do a healthy living program. I replace my carb menu from the beginning of rice so yams and cassava. I also avoid fried foods, and sugar and salt is too excessive. So that I do not get off the blood insistence always, I mensiasatinya with amaranth and chicken livers. Honestly I do not have a special time for exercise, until I mensiasatinya with also multiply on foot. Do not forget to also drink plenty of water. When you sign bln. Ramadan me rest for a moment on this program, but I still protect my diet time of iftar and sahur, thank God there was no rise. After bln. Ramadan I go back on a diet again, and this time my weight stabilized at 65 kg. With the weight of the current Board, I have been able to buy clothes berkuran L, which was once though did not fit. I still protect that Body weight remained stable with diet first. Read also: Diet Story Fris: Down Weight 29 Kg For Breakfast Banana, and Oatmeal (ajg / mrs)

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Langkah Turunkan Berat Tubuh dengan Tidur Nyenyak

Langkah Turunkan Berat Tubuh dengan Tidur Nyenyak   
    Jakarta Tidur pulas serta berkwalitas tidak cuma baik untuk sistem pergantian sel serta terlepas dari penyakit seperti diabetes type 2 tetapi juga ampuh menurunkan berat tubuh. 
Peneliti dari Harvard lakukan penelitian dengan mempelajari rutinitas tidur 133. 353 wanita sehat. Sepanjang 10 th. riset diketemukan     wanita yang tidur pulas 45 % menyusut resiko meningkatkan diabetes type 2 (type diabetes yang disebabkan obesitas)    dibanding mereka yang kesusahan tidur      mendengkur   serta tidur kurang dari 6 jam /hari  atau mengalamai sleep apnea. 
Baca Juga     
Lebih Baik dari Air Lemon Minuman Ini Dapat Turunkan Berat Tubuh  
Menginginkan Tidur Pulas? Mengkonsumsi Makanan Ini Waktu Makan Malam 
5 Langkah Gampang Tidur dari Ahlinya      
Lalu bagaimana langkahnya untuk memperoleh tidur berkwalitas   turun berat tubuh   serta bugar? Simak 6 langkah yang diambil dari laman Prevention   Rabu (2/3/2016) berikut ini : 
1. Tidur sepanjang 6     5 jam sampai 8  5 jam  
Dalam studi dari Brigham Young University dijelaskan wanita yang tidur sepanjang 6    5 jam serta 8  5 jam mempunyai resiko lebih kecil untuk alami kenaikan berat tubuh.      
1 dari 2 halaman  

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

The phenomenon of 'media circus' in the case of miRNA and Jessica

The phenomenon of 'media circus' in the case of miRNA and Jessica
 Although only a suspect in the death of Mirna Wayan Salihin, bullying action against Kumala Jessica Jessica Wongso continue berlanjut.Aksi bullying takes place in a variety of social media in Indonesia. Bully waged in various forms, be it pictures marked alias langsung.Jessica opiniopini new meme or a suspect
Apparently, not all social media users who ikutikutan bullying Jessica through memes and opinions. There are also those who rejected and condemned the acts of bully.Akun Twitter named Arie kriting example. He wrote a post that contains the call so that no more spreading the meme bully.
Meme about Coffee Mix Cyanide and Jessica was stupid, not funny, and Should Not Usah shared. The End. Arie chirping.
Meme about Coffee Mix Cyanide and Jessica was stupid, not funny, and Should Not Usah DiShare.Tamat.
- ARIE curly (@Arie_Kriting)
The same thing Tweeted twitter user named Wildfire Kusuma through Twitternya.Meme account and jokes Jessica, the defendant's murder Mirna ... Nothing funny at all! Indonesian Omg why you're so cruel :(

Memes and jokes Jessica, the defendant's murder Mirna ... Nothing funny at all! Omg Indonesian why you're so cru
- Wildfire Kusuma (@wikurizky)

Read more ... Save Jessica ...

apotik yang menjual green coffee

Sample Menu Foods To Increase Weight

Sample Menu Foods To Increase Weight

Do not carelessly taking food to gain weight. Because only diet that mandatory food you consume to gain weight. If consumed in vain it is not a healthy weight loss you get, but the bad fats that accumulate harmful to health.

In addition to risk for severe disease, accumulate fat also makes an appearance unattractive and difficult to move. Therefore, choosing the best food becomes an important point to raise the weight.

How to Increase Weight

Menu Foods To Increase Weight
To get a healthy body weight, the key is how to facilitate better absorption of food. Foods containing a lot of omega-3 that facilitated this process. Here are some healthy diet to gain weight ideal as quoted from duniafitnes.com.


Banana milkshakes and protein supplements


Vanilla smoothie with powdered Flaxseed
Bread with butter / cheese
Terlur omelet / red beans

By noon

Pineapple juice coconut milk with peanuts


Rice / bread
Fish / chicken / cheese / tofu
Lentil salad / lentil cooking
Potato / vegetable

Late afternoon

Milk with a protein supplement
Bean mixture 30 gms
Toast with honey


Rice / pasta / noodles / cereal
Cheese / fish / chicken / soy / vegetable mushroom


Jelly / ice cream

Before sleeping

Bananas or other fruits

You can try the menu above for at least three months. In that time you will see the results and gain weight as desired, unless there are other factors that lead to weight loss. Do not forget to keep the body balanced with the more athletic sports and shows.