Selasa, 05 September 2017

5 Secrets to protect the weight remains the Ideal

kopi hijau


5 Secrets to protect the weight remains the Ideal


Jakarta, deliver more difficult than keeping on grab. While it has been successful at acquiring the ideal weight, so the next job that is not always so keep it down or even go up. This is the secret. Have an ideal weight that is a dream most people, except tasty diliat also more easily in search of clothes. Nevertheless, some people are sometimes hard to protect or maintain what has been reached. Below are 5 secrets that can be done to protect the ideal body weight remains stable, as taken from Timesofindia, Wednesday (27/2/2013) namely: 1. The exercise by not terdugaSetelah weight goals realized is not free not meaningful need a workout, because a need remains active for a day to protect her weight as well as burn calories. There are ways to burn calories, so that there is not enough of trying to do it by some such unexpected clean car all 30 minutes can burn around 300 calories or up and down stairs can burn up to 100 calories. 2. Thou shalt not try so sempurnaMenjaga or weight loss cannot be achieved by a brief period of time, but it must be by way of a slow and steady. Therefore do not seek to be Prime, because it can cause stress that sometimes make an unsuccessful maintain what has been achieved. 3. keep drinks carbonated and lightly sodaMinuman the other can result in damage to your ideal weight, and increase the risk of diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, heart problems and heart disease. But when you want so people more healthy, try to replace it with the more drinks as healthy as fresh fruit juice, water, lemonade or homemade iced tea. 4. Give the distance while eating a tepatJika want maintain or lose weight, so the main thing to keep in mind that is packed with regular with the pas. Forget eating does not help lose weight, but instead create problems. It is recommended to eat 6-7 times a day with a small amount, and the dinner hour so be aware of can't close to the time of sleep to avoid reflux (stomach acid to rise in throat) as well as other gastrointestinal problems that affect Automatic preparation weight. 5. Do not forget to rehearse the ability ototLatihan the ability not just to make a body of men as well as women so fit and toned, but also help the joints and muscles work more effectively to avoid injury. This is due to the joints and bones so more flexible, powerful and increase stamina. Ideally exercises carried out at least 3 times a week, and involves all the sides of the body with the aim of muscle that is not the same. (ver/vta)


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