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Acid Substances on Coffee Claimed Can Help Reduce Inflammation Due to Obesity


Jakarta, Coffee commonly used to be a powerful weapon to repel drowsiness in the morning. But in fact, special people with obesity, specific content in coffee is believed to have other benefits you know. Researchers from the University of Georgia reporting chlorogenic acid (CGA) in coffee can reduce insulin resistance and fat accumulation in rat liver even when the rats are fed high-fat foods. Lead researcher, Yongjie Ma, explained that the first study gives people who consume coffee is a small risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases such as heart. "We are improving this research by looking at the benefits associated with the presence of specific compound compounds, which are so large in coffee that chlorogenic acid. This substance is in different fruits, "" Ma said in a report in the journal Pharmaceutical Research and taken on Thursday (13/11/2014). To test CGA therapy, some researchers gave a group of mice with a 15-week high-fat meal flow. While doing so, the researchers also injected the mice with CGA solution 2 x per week. Finally, found that CGA is not just helping to avoid weight gain but also help normalize blood sugar content and healthy liver composition. "" CGA is an anti-oxidant that can reduce inflammation. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that obesity is closely related to the disease due to critical inflammation. We hope to ease the negative effects of excess body weight even if it is still necessary for you to try to lose weight, "" Ma said. Ma gave priority, the study did not recommend some people to start consuming a lot of coffee. So it is recommended to make therapy using CGA. Therefore, CGA therapy can help reduce the risk of disease due to obesity. According to the Center for Disease Control research, one in three Americans and 17% of children are obese. Cost of obesity's annual treatment also increased to more than a few hundred trillion. (rdn / up)

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Acid Substances on Coffee Claimed Can Help Reduce Inflammation Due to Obesity Jakarta, Coffee is used as a powerful weapon to repel drowsiness in the morning. But researchers found that chlorogenic acid (CGA) in coffee may reduce insulin resistance and fat accumulation in rat liver even if the rats were fed a high-fat diet . Lead researcher Yongjie Ma said previous studies show people who consume coffee are at a lower risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease. "" We developed this study by looking at the benefits associated with the presence of certain compounds, in coffee that is chlorogenic acid. This substance is also found in other fruits, "Ma said in a report in the journal Pharmaceutical Research and quoted on Thursday (13/11/2014). To test CGA therapy, the researchers gave a group of mice with a high-fat diet for 15 weeks. While doing so, the researchers also injected the mice with CGA solution twice per week. The result, found that CGA not only helps prevent weight gain but also helps normalize blood sugar levels and healthy liver composition. "" CGA is an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation. Much evidence suggests that obesity is closely related to diseases caused by chronic inflammation. We hope to alleviate some of the negative effects of excess weight even though it is still important for you to try to lose weight, "said Ma.Ma stressed, the study does not recommend people to start eating lots of coffee. It is advisable to create therapies that use CGA. Therefore, CGA therapy can help reduce the risk of disease caused by obesitas.Menurut Center for Disease Control, one in three Americans and 17% of children are obese. The cost of annual treatment of obese people has increased to more than hundreds of trillions (rdn / up)

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Rabu, 07 Maret 2018

Tipps, um Miss V Sauberkeit zu vermeiden Vermeidung von Weiß

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Tipps, um Miss V Sauberkeit zu vermeiden Vermeidung von Weiß


Jakarta, obwohl häufig von heranwachsenden Mädchen und erwachsenen Frauen erfahren, wurde als unnatürlich eingestuft, wenn weißlicher Geruch und bunt. Daher muss auf die Sauberkeit von Miss V achten. Laut Dr. Noviyanti, SpOG vom Mayapada Hospital Tangerang, ist die Aufrechterhaltung der Sauberkeit von Miss V sehr wichtig für eine Frau. Ein ungesunder Bereich von Fräulein V verursacht nicht nur einen vaginalen Ausfluss, sondern verursacht auch andere Krankheiten wie Gebärmutterhalskrebs. Um abnormalen vaginalen Ausfluss zu verhindern, sollten Sie Miss V mit sauberem fließendem Leitungswasser spülen. Vermeiden Sie auch den falschen Weg von cebok (von den Hintern vorwärts-Ed), sagte Dr. Novi in ​​Live-Chat 'Whitliches und Probleme der Frau' gehalten von dtikHealth und detikForum in AFP, Jalan Warung Jati Barat, South Jakarta, Donnerstag (20 / 4) /2017).Lesen Sie auch: Willst du Miss V Sauberkeit mit Spülungen? Beachten Sie, dass es zuerst fortgesetzt wird. Es wird nicht empfohlen, Geschirrspülmittel für Frauen zu verwenden, da dies den pH-Wert der Vagina beeinträchtigt. Beachten Sie auch die Sauberkeit der Miss V-Zone, indem Sie Baumwollunterwäsche tragen, die leicht den Schweiß absorbiert, um eine Infektion der Fortpflanzungsorgane durch verschiedene Keime, Pilze oder Parasiten zu vermeiden. Dann fleißig sein, die Unterwäsche mindestens zwei bis drei Mal am Tag zu wechseln. Wenn es feucht ist, gut ersetzen, sagte dieser schöne Arzt. Vermeiden Sie die Gewohnheit, Unterwäsche mit anderen zu tauschen und die Gewohnheit, ein Handtuch zusammen zu verwenden, sambungnya lagi.Pada mehrere Frauen, die oft Whitish erleben, wählen, Pantyliner zu verwenden, weil es als praktischer als die Hosen ständig ändern gilt. Und nach Dr. Novi, sollte die Verwendung von Pantyliner vor und nach der Menstruation verwendet werden.Lesen Sie auch: Müde und Stress kann weißlich (hrn / vit)





Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018

Lo studio rivela che spesso il tempo di pranzo può fare ingrassare


Lo studio rivela che spesso il tempo di pranzo può fare ingrassare


Jakarta, gli orari delle riunioni in ufficio sono spesso adiacenti all'ora di pranzo? Fai attenzione, gli studi rivelano queste abitudini possono far aumentare di peso lho.Alasannya associato a condizioni stressanti. Come è noto, nella maggior parte delle persone lo stress può innescare un aumento di peso perché fa aumentare involontariamente l'appetito. Lo studio, pubblicato sulla rivista Neuron, suggerisce che lo stress emotivo o le sensazioni che si avvicinano all'ora di pranzo influenzano la dieta della persona. Rispetto alle persone non stressanti, quelle con problemi tendono a scegliere cibi più malsani come il cibo spazzatura a pranzo. Leggi anche: Non mangiare 5 assunzione prima di dormire se vuoi Slim È fortemente pensato che ciò sia dovuto al fatto che la capacità del cervello che regola l'autocontrollo e l'appetito viene interrotta a causa della pressione. Come è noto, durante le riunioni è probabile parlare di alcuni affari d'ufficio, che sono a rischio di innescare lo stress. Secondo il nutrizionista e portavoce dell'Accademia di nutrizione e dietetica, Tamara Melton, RDN, se possibile, cerca di evitare attività che possono scatenare lo stress poco prima del pranzo. Se è difficile, prepara uno spuntino sano in quel momento. Questo è così che il tuo appetito rimane sotto controllo e non sei troppo affamato, così che quando mangi non è così pazzo ", ha detto, come citato da Huffington Post. Inoltre, mangiare mentre si svolgono altre attività, tra cui riunioni, anche menzionato potrebbe innesca l'obesità, perché non ti concentri sul cibo e la tua mente è distratta: senza accorgertene, mangerai più del solito: vedendo altri colleghi mangiare di più, tenderà anche a seguirlo, inosservato. per mangiare e non c'è bisogno di essere rumoroso, aggiunge Melton. Leggi anche: Scegli attentamente Menu Eating, 4 This Intake Can Make Fast Hungry (ajg / up)